Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Review: Wolverine and the X-Men #30

As prologues go, this was one of the best I have ever seen in comics. The masterful Jason Aaron starts all of the story-threads that I presume will continue throughout the Hellfire Saga. Beast' trip to space with Broo was at first kind of sad, for those of us who have read the first run, and very clever for anyone reading now. The connection to the Hellfire Squad is there completely but this little episode serves as an entertaining little tale as well. Beast is one of my favorite X-Men because of his dialect and I feel as though Jason Aaron utilized that in this issue. However, I think that Jason Aaron's writing was slightly sub-par today in other areas. With so many moving parts, the writing was more re-capping events that already happened instead of writing actual, human conversations. This angers me as I think he is one of the most talented writers in the industry. I thought that what happened at the Jean Grey School with the several "transfers" to the Hellfire Academy was quite clever and entertaining but at the same time really sad. I say this because it is really unfortunate to see the school falling apart after all of the hard work Logan has put into building it. My only real complaint with this issue was the art. I didn't even care to learn the artists name I hated it so much. It looked completely goony and computerized. STAY AWAY FROM MY WOLVERINE & THE X-MEN YOU HACK! I love this book and don't want it ruined by some crap artist. I will definitely be on the Wolverine and the X-men train for as long as it keeps chugging right along. I look forward to the Hellfire Saga.

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