Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Review: Kick Ass 3 #1

I was so so so so so so so excited for this issue. But when I saw it on the top of my stack I was nervous, almost scared to pick it up and read it. I thought that it would disappoint me, I had such high expectations. God, I was so wrong. This is an awesome #1 issue. Most of the issue was devoted to Justice Forever busting Hit-Girl out of jail. Which eventually turned out to be a bust. The rest of the issue explains what is happening in the life of Kick-Ass, Marty, Todd and Justice Forever. It turns out Marty got into college and Kick-Ass and Todd are living in an apartment and working at a burger joint. Dave really needs Kick-Ass more than Dave so he is crime fighting more than usual. The one case we got to see Kick-Ass work was lots of fun to watch. It seems he has matured and become much better at, well, kicking ass. He has a sidekick and comes crashing through windows. I found the writing to be as funny and great as ever, the note Hit-Girl left Kick-Ass was brilliant. The best scene in the whole book, no doubt, was when Todd and Dave are posing at the graveyard to look badass. It is very immature and disrespectful yet at the same time funny. I think Mark Millar needs to tone it down just a smidge on the Batman references  it seems like he is just trying to piss Marvel off by using DC characters' names in his Marvel-ish book. I hope to buy all of the variants of this issue, as it was a very good issue. 

It's about 12 o'clock so I'm calling it a night. Thanks for reading all of the reviews. You guys are the best a guy can hope for!

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