Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Daredevil: Dark Knights #1

I had no idea what I was getting into when I bought this issue. When I saw that it was a series of classic-style Daredevil stories I went for it. I think it was a quite rewarding issue, and a series that should not go unnoticed. Lee Weeks does a phenomenal job telling the story both through the art and the writing. Quotes are hard things to incorporate into comics in a meaningful way. The biblical references in this book were poignant throughout. The prologue did a very nice job explaining the origin for anyone who forgot. The rest of the issue was just pure comic bliss. The author starts a story thread with a family taking a car trip and hints towards an accident. Meanwhile we see our hero, as Matt Murdock, in the hospital with no memory. During all of that we learn that there is a whiteout city wide. The rest of the story floats seamlessly between the time before Matt was in the hospital and the time he is defending the hospital. DD's radar sense was handled well too, relying mostly on sound. The way the author depicts it is unique in having words floating around Daredevil's head. He surprises all of the doctors and nurses by his heightened senses and combat abilities. Eventually by the end of the book they do find out that he is Daredevil, but he doesn't seem to care. It is a rewarding moment at the end of the book when Daredevil gets suited up and leaps off the rooftop, but sort of a fail how he crashes down immediately. Yet another thread is started in this issue as we learn about two kids barely surviving an accident and needing transplants. The first-responders during the storm are quite like those in real life. My reading buddy points out a line in particular: "Having any second thoughts?" "Nope. Same as if it was my daughter."
Great issue! If you have not already bought it head to your local comic book shop now or buy it online here:

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