Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Review: Age of Ultron #10

Now, Marvel, you're just wasting my time. I was on board for the first four issues of AoU. I was even down with the next couple of issues. Last issue was a disgrace to humanity. I can't give this issue any higher praise.
First, let me say, I hate having art switch on me in the same book. You realized that there were ten pencilers on this book. Right? What good can come out of ten pencillers? That's right: not much. The constant art switches where a pain in the rear, and I hate Bryan Hitch in the first place.
The whole, "time capsule, message to the past, Hank Pym" narration is ok. It doesn't really make sense. But hey, who the hell cares if something makes sense? The whole issue was about some team of Avengers or faction or whatever (I hate the Avengers) so I lost interest about 4 pages in. The rest was kind of surprising if you have a giant knowledge of the entire Marvel Universe. I just know about the X-Men, so I wasn't shocked too bad. Some of the storytelling during the Universe morphing was kind of cool, but only kind of. I am so glad this series is over. I didn't understand the last pages at all; but I hope the ending doesn't affect Guardians of the Galaxy too much.

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