This was a relatively short week, not a terrible amount of books, five purchased, four read. The odd book out that I didn't read was Teen Titans #19. My friend reads it and I buy it for him, but I have given up on the series. I have wasted enough of my life reading the crap Scott Lobdell calls writing. As
+Steven Viscido likes to say all the time in his blog: ( check it out, it's really good) DC no longer wants to please the reader, but rather sell books. Scott Lobdell lives for one reason: to sell trash that ties-in with other books. Take the tie-ins he wrote (that's not even the right word, his work is not writing) for Death of the Family. He
created both Red Hood and the Outlaws and Teen Titans #15-16. They both barely tied-into the Death of the Family arc, but they had the words
Death of the Family on them so they sold. And if that wasn't enough the tie-ins
tied-in with each other. That is just a disgrace to the comic book industry. Can we really not think of any other way to sell books other than: "Hey, buy this other issue so you can get one or two panels of your favorite characters for $4!" Couldn't we say, make quality books? The DC editors would be all like: "No! That takes effort and doesn't sell as well as crossovers! Your fired Mr.
I want to make quality comics go to Marvel!" Thank God I don't have any DC books to read this week, I'm just kind of fed up with them right now. But it is Batman Day and A Comic Wednesday, so who could be unhappy?
This was the book I was looking forward to most this week, no question about that. I enjoyed the first one so very much and will literally buy anything with Jason Aaron's name on it at this point. He is really delivering a quality tale of Thanos's origin in a not so nice way. This issue continues the brutality depicted in the first chapter as a young Thanos finds joy in cutting open specimins at first searching for a scientific answer, but after a while just killing because he is addicted. It is really tragic how crazy and messed up this guy is, but after all it's not so different from people in our world. If I may elaborate on my previous point, I have a connection to make. Although not completely the same, Thanos and the Boston Marathon bomber aren't terribly different. Both have crazy family dynamics that lead to excessively violent behavior. It is sad to see such a brilliant mind as that of Thanos go to waste, as it was sad to see a kid who behaved so well and got such good grades to make a bomb. It is tragic to see these young lives turned to violence, almost as tragic as their victims. While I am talking about such tragic events I would just like to take a moment to pay tribute to the lives lost and people injured in the marathon bombing.
Now, back to Thanos. The art was good, I am really starting to dig Simone Bianchi. The ending was a little excessively brutal, but I guess that's just the character. I am really excited to see where this goes.
BIG decisions were made in last weeks issue, the killed off HENRY PYM! This issue is even more risky as the effects of Wolverine's cockiness ripples through the time-space continuum throwing everything off. Bendis is very creative as we see what happens to all the super-heroes we have come to know and love when Henry Pym doesn't exist. The most creative was the fact that Scott Summers was Cable in this messed-up reality. Logan and Sue Storm make up an awesome team on their time-hopping adventures.
+Brandon Peterson's art really gets to shine in this issue in particular as most of the book takes place in the time-period he illustrates. If you do stumble across this review Mr. Peterson, your art rocks! I am loving your style in Age of Ultron. Anyways, the battle/confusion between Sue and Logan and the "Defenders" is awesome. It is a pretty accurate and fresh take on the Marvel U that I am looking forward to reading about. I am still a little skeptical about the end of the arc though. I am not sure if they are going to say this just didn't happen or it was all just Hawkeye's dream. Either way would be good though.
Love how sleek and new the characters all look, great design. |
I absolutely love how Brian Michael Bendis has taken control of the X-Men through both of his titles Uncanny X-Men and All-New X-Men. There was a period of time that just seemed to be missing from Uncanny X-Men #4. For those of you who did not read it the Uncanny X-Men go to Jean Grey's school to recruit mutants but we never see them at the school. We just see Angel come back with them to the New Xavier School. Well, this issue explains the whole gap of time. Quite well I may add. Although it is mainly a verbal confrontation Jean Grey does a psychic explosion thingy that blasts everyone. There were certain moments in this comic I would like to highlight. Here they are:
- Jean's psychic blast
- Jean learning that mind-controlling is a no-no
- The X-Men lobbying for Warren to stay
- Mystique and Sabertooth causing havok
- Above all: the talk Kitty Pryde had with Jean Grey
The only part I didn't really like was the inclusion of the Uncanny Avengers. The Avengers suck and I really don't want them messing with this awesome X-Book. Hey, when was the last time you saw Beast in Secret Avengers? Huh? Didn't think so.
Stuart Immonen draws the hell out of this book. He is especially good with all of the magical blasts and the other magic stuff. I really love this book, Marvel if you are there. Keep up the great work with the X-Men, I am having such a blast reading it.
I was really concerned about the direction this book was headed, for a while I even considered taking it off of my pull-list. But
+Mark Waid you have definitely won me over. This issue was fantastically entertaining. I loved how it turned out with Thor's hammer (you had me sold that Hulk was strong enough to lift it in #6.) Ice giants make really good enemies for Hulk because the Jade Giant can smash away and they just keep coming. I absolutely loved the incorporation of Maria Hill and how the Ice Giant reaches through the portal. I particularly liked how the portal was trans-time, and how Banner and his crew have to survive now that the portal's gone. I think that this will draw Banner and his team closer as a result. Keep up the great work
+Mark Waid you have me hooked, don't loose me again.
These reviews, as I said before, are dedicated to the victims of the Boston Marathon Bombings.
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