A fair amount of books this week, but a definite lack in entertainment. The books that came in were: Before Watchmen: Minutemen #6 of 6, Catwoman #16, Red Hood and the Outlaws #16 and Nightwing #16.
- Before Watchmen: Minutemen #6 out of 6:
Before Watchmen has not lived up to my expectations, not at all. Minutemen was no exception. The entire arc felt fake and unlike Watchmen. Surprisingly, the ending was actually pretty good. There was a clever little twist that really made the series seem much better. I think Darwyn Cooke had good intentions going into the project but I am very glad it is over.

For whatever reason I kept this subscription after it finished Death of the Family, in hindsight I am not really sure why. #15 was good enough and I was a little curious to see how the Black Diamond Probability arc ended. Let me just tell you #16 was a mess. The writing was poor and repetitive, the story was confusing and in the end not satisfying, the art was sloppy and Catwoman (as usual) was over-sexualized. I don't know if I want to drop this sub, but I probably will. Please comment to tell me what to do.
- Red Hood and the Outlaws #16:
Part 3 of an already boring mini story. Remember Teen Titans #15? It was awful. This is the continuation of that. The Titans and the Outlaws team up to fight joker-infused homeless people. These are both terrible teams created by none other than Scott Lobdell and when they come together they are even more dreadful. The story is sort of ridiculous and hokey. I am definitely unsubscribing to this series.

I am usually a big Nightwing fan and I read and enjoyed the first graphic novel and enjoyed #15 quite a bit. Somehow, this issue just didn't work as a Death of the Family tie-in. Sure, there was a creepy moment when Joker dug up all of the bodies of the former Haly's Circuis members and stood them in the circuis tent. But, the rest was just weird explosions and hallucinations. There was also one moment where Dick's dead friends came in jokerized and started taunting him that was quite entertaining. I am excited for the next issue because Kyle Higgins rumoured that his greatest Nightwing story yet is just around the corner...
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