This week was a great week to be a comic reader, one of the best for a long time. I am going to review six books that I bought (In order of quality) Batman and Robin Annual #1, Batman Incorporated #7, Before Watchmen: Dollar Bill One-Shot, Talon #4, Batman the Dark Knight #16 and Teen Titans #16. So, without further ado here are this weeks reviews:
- Batman and Robin Annual #1
Annuals are always fun and long but the best Annual is always the one that tells the most interesting story that has nothing to do with the normal series. This creative team could have squandered their opportunity to create a good Annual if they had droned on about Death of the Family for 40 pages, but they didn't. Instead they created a wholesome story that seemed both loyal to the series and completely original. In this tale Damian gives Bruce a vacation by leaving him an international scavenger hunt to solve in order to rekindle his parents memory. The real reason that Damian is giving Bruce this treat is because Damian wants to try being Batman for a while. I had a smile on my face as I read every page of this wonderful issue. Well done!
The last couple of issues have been chaotic and confusing, but still good. I particularly enjoyed this issue because Grant Morrison really dialed it back and explained the whole story. In this issue we saw the relationship and the trust between Alfred and Damian grow. Batman was in little of the book as they focused mostly on Leviathan's attack on Gotham and the twisted plans of the sick Talia Al Ghul. I also liked the backstory talking about Damian's perfect twin fighting his way out of his womb in a dead whale and becoming Talia's #1 Henchman. Lots of action with all four Robins and Commisioner Gordon.
- Before Watchmen: Dollar Bill One-Shot
I went in to reading this comic with very low expectations, Len Wein tends to be a bit wordy and The art seemed a little cartoony for my tastes. I was very wrong. Like the other One-Shot I bought today Dollar Bill delivered an interesting but singular story. The story takes us through Bill Brady's entire life and on to his funeral. One of the best Watchmen prequels yet. My only complaint was that it revisited a lot of the content covered in the Minutemen series instead of coming up with more interesting missions of the Minutemen.

This issue was the best comic James Tynion IV has ever written. It was well-paced, the characters were well thought through, the plot was intense and the battle was actually very interesting. This issue takes place in New York right where the last issue left off. The main story was the on and off battle of Calvin vs. The Butcher of Gotham who is an incredibly large and strong Talon (Talon SMASH!) that actually had some personality unlike other comic juggernauts. Calvin's relationship and conversations with Casey (old girlfriend) and her daughter are heartfelt without being overly cheesy. This was the first issue that I began to really enjoy learning about Calvin's troubled journey.
- Batman the Dark Knight #16
With a new creative team and a relatively new villain The Dark Knight has taken a turn for the best. This issue meant to be mysterious and delivered as well as being brutal and awesome. The story begins with the typical "chain of random kidnappings" but evolves to be much more. Although I am not such a fan of the notion that "Batman is his Gadgets" the way the other wove the use of the Bat-Plane and various computers was very interesting. The art was some of the best (No inkers! Hallelujah!) I have seen on the book in a long time. I got my friend to subscribe to this book because I thought it was decent but now I am intrigued.

This whole mini-crossover within a crossover crap Scott Lobdell has pulled with both of his books has been painful at best. This book was the best, not that good, of the crossovers. I attribute that mainly to the fact that this book had the least appearances from the other team members. Jokers trap was mildly interesting but just played on the fact that Tim is smart and that Jason uses guns which are two points that were already visited upon in this crossover and are over visited upon in general. The art was good aside from the inks which gave the book an unfinished feel. This book turned me off of the series even though I am a big fan of Tim Drake.